Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Best of Music on Kazoo

Coming from MisterTimVids, he plays a stunning rendition of Enter Sandman by Metallica on Kazoo.
If the embed does not work, the video can be found here.

Next up is a beautiful performance of Beethoven's 5th on our favorite instrument.  This can also be viewed here.

Bringing Micheal Jackson's legacy on Kazoo isblendingmelodies with an amazing rendition of the hit pop song Billy Jean. Video

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Quality Kazoos for Cheap

West Music One Piece Plastic Kazoo
Although shoddily made, if you are looking for a cheap kazoo that will make noise for about two minutes, West Music Kazoos are for you at only $0.70 per kazoo.

Kazoobie Kazoos
Finally, a kazoo that will stand the test of time and your acidic saliva. I am of course talking about Kazoobie Kazoos, only made from the best polypropylene and their 'high-tech' polyethylene paper is louder than any other kazoo and best of all, water proof. However, this amazing quality kazoo comes with a price. A big one. At about $255 per 500 kazoos, you might be better just buying a couple from their website. 

Kazoo Toys
Now I'm not 100% sure that this website actually sells kazoos, but its name is Kazoo Toys so I suppose that is good enough for me and for this list. Enjoy. 

How To Wear Your Plaid

Some basic suggestions apply to both men and women interested in wearing plaid.
Taken from:
  1. 1
    Limit the amount. Plaid is a bold pattern, so you should avoid overwhelming your look with too much of it. Either stick with one prominent plaid piece or several small plaid accessories.
  2. 2
    Pair your plaid with neutral solids. Other patterns will clash, causing your outfit to look confused and busy.
  3. 3
    Choose your fabric carefully. Plaid flannels are common for autumn and winter, but plaid print also comes in lighter materials like cotton, which is more suitable for spring and summer.
  4. 4
    Pay attention to the print pattern and size. Choose whatever appeals to you most.
    • "Woven" styles mix multiple colors into one pattern and generally use large squares.
    • "Western" styles usually have smaller squares and only make use of one or two colors.
  5. 5
    Pick the right color.
    • Red and black plaid is the most traditional and works especially well in colder months, but it may look too rugged for some tastes.
    • Other traditional looks involve muted colors like navy, gray, brown, tan, cream, and white.
    • Light pastels and bright colors are more modern. These work best for warmer months.

Friday, April 4, 2014

For the Haters

A hater of plaid and kazoos has come out of the darkness and revealed herself.
She says, "Plaid is for losers!"
Kindness is the only way we can remedy this problem.
Maybe she just feels insecure.
Educating her on the beauty of plaid and of kazoos should turn her over to our side.
If we do this, I wonder if we can change all the haters of plaid and kazoos.
Fasinatingly enough, this person does not have an argument on why plaid is bad.
I'm not that angry, even though it may seem so.
Gravely, I responded to this hater.
I looked her into the eye.
Viciously, I made my point.
Eventually, she realized what I said.

"Look at the first letter of every line."

Classic Plaid Patterns

Thursday, April 3, 2014

What Your Kazoo Says About You

"I can't wait to play my kazoo on my brand new yacht. "
"I fancy both modern music and the internet."

"I'm in this far. There is no going back now."
"I ordered them for my kids but now they are mine."

Famous People in Plaid

George Costanza from Seinfeld, rocking the plaid. 
Supposedly, he knows the best public restrooms in New York City. 

Nick Offerman, better known as Ron Swanson is swimming in the plaid on Parks and Recreation. 

Introducing the Best Blog in Human Existence.

                                                                  Plaid Shirts and Kazoos

Plaid! You simply cant go wrong with the multicolored delight that is plaid. Plaid, or Tartan, is a pattern consisting of criss-crossed horizontal and vertical bands in multiple colors. Tartans originated in woven wool, but now they are made in many other materials. Along with plaid, something else stands out. This of course, would be the kazoo. Forged from only the best plastics and artificial coloring, kazoos stand on the frontier of modern music. The deadly but beautiful combination of plaid shirts and kazoos truly are the best that there ever will be.