Saturday, April 12, 2014

Quality Kazoos for Cheap

West Music One Piece Plastic Kazoo
Although shoddily made, if you are looking for a cheap kazoo that will make noise for about two minutes, West Music Kazoos are for you at only $0.70 per kazoo.

Kazoobie Kazoos
Finally, a kazoo that will stand the test of time and your acidic saliva. I am of course talking about Kazoobie Kazoos, only made from the best polypropylene and their 'high-tech' polyethylene paper is louder than any other kazoo and best of all, water proof. However, this amazing quality kazoo comes with a price. A big one. At about $255 per 500 kazoos, you might be better just buying a couple from their website. 

Kazoo Toys
Now I'm not 100% sure that this website actually sells kazoos, but its name is Kazoo Toys so I suppose that is good enough for me and for this list. Enjoy. 

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